Ballerina Girl!


Actually her name is FairyBallerina, but for some reason DH keeps singing this silly "Ballerina Girl" so it has forever stuck in my head.  Anyway, I wanted to share this next card which is very very special to me, for a very important reason.  I'm not telling WHY though - (in case you guys think it's really gross) LOL.. anyhow, I found this paper which I just love, the colors are so pretty and it's very  "aged" looking which for me, is all a girl needs!  Anyhoo, without further pomp and circumstance, here she is:

Vintageballerina I used Prismacolor pencils and gamsol to color her in, and I dusted over her wings and skirt with glimmer chalks, of course in the picture it's kind of hard to see, but IRL it is just sparkly and fabulous!

The little flower gem on the ribbon is actually a CTMH shopping reward sticker thingy, but of course I thought it would just be the perfect finishing touch!

So can anyone (all TWO of you who read my blog :) I LOVE YOU BOTH) guess WHY this little fairy is just so special??

Fairy kisses!!


  1. Your card is just adorable, so sweet! I'm new to your blog so I know you don't love me yet but I'll throw out a it because you've always had a secret desire to be a Prima Ballerina or maybe this is how you looked in your tutu when you were little???? PS, found your blog from that fun thread on SCS asking for bloggers to sort of stand up and be counted!!!

  2. Ummm. Your pregant with a girl?? lol
    Nice blog!! Glad I found it!

  3. This is just too cute for words. I am so glad I found your blog... I plan on stopping by every day.


I so appreciate your comments! Happy Scrapping! :)

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